The benefits of STARS accreditation

STARS provides an accreditation framework for your school to audit current activities and plan future opportunities to support sustainable travel to school, it delivers a range of benefits including:

  • An effective planning tool to achieve your school’s objectives and monitor your success in increasing the number of pupils and their families who regularly walk, wheel, cycle and use other forms of sustainable travel on the school journey.
  • As a promotional tool it can be a helpful way of informing the wider community of your commitment to improving safety and air quality. It can reassure local residents the school are doing what they can to reduce car travel.
  • Encouraging pupil involvement to achieve accreditation by including initiatives designed to be pupil led.
  • Helping you to identify infrastructure improvements that are required around your school, therefore helping you to build a case to access any funding which may be available.
  • Schools have the chance to be selected for the annual Modeshift National STARS Awards.
  • The system provides a new School Travel Plan which will deliver significant time and cost savings. If, however, you are needing a travel plan to support a planning application, please contact the School Travel Planning Team for advice on the requirements.


Our STARS leaflet contains further information about the school travel awards plus details of recent school accreditations. There is also a 'focus on' section which provides a case study of a Hampshire STARS school. You may find this leaflet useful to share with your school community, local residents, partners, businesses/sponsors and councillors to demonstrate what STARS can deliver for your school.






For more information or support please contact the Travel Planning Team