Hostile Vehicle Mitigation bollards to be installed on Above Bar Street

Balfour Beatty are installing permanent Hostile Vehicle Mitigation Bollards on the Above Bar precinct in Southampton. The work will be carried out in three phases from Monday 17 September for approximately six weeks. The map below shows the specific locations of where the works are taking place.

Phase 1 – Southern end of the precinct

New bollards will be installed between Yorkshire Building Society and Rush Hair in alignment with the Bargate Archway.

This work begins on Monday 17 September for approximately four weeks between 7.30am and 5pm.

Phase 2 – Northern end of the precinct

New bollards will be installed between 2nd Cup Coffee and JD Sports adjacent to the rotart seating/advertising stand.

This work is planned to commence on Monday 01 October for approximately four weeks between 7.30am and 5pm.

Phase 3 – Northern end of the precinct

New bollards will be installed in combination with cycle stands between 2nd Cup Coffee and Halifax where the carriageway ends on Portland Street.

This work is planned to commence on Monday 15 October for approximately two weeks, between 7.30am and 5pm.

Please note, no weekend work is planned throughout the course of the above works.

Once the permanent bollards are installed, the temporary concrete blocks will be removed. However a number of the temporary concrete blocks will remain in place into the New Year at specific points where automatic sliding bollards or manually operated drop-down bollards will later be installed.