No idling in St Bede School competition to cut pollution

No Idiling St Bedev1

Winchester City Council marked National Clean Air Day by asking St Bede Primary School to run a ‘No Idling’ poster competition.

The winning entries have been chosen to create posters to be displayed at the school gates and around the city to raise awareness of air quality and, particularly, to encourage drivers to reduce their impact by turning off their engines whilst stationary.

The winners were Isla in Year 2 who won a day out to Marwell Activity Centre ,and Bella in Year 4, who won a family ticket to Winchester Science Centre for the Clean Air Exhibition.

Cllr Jan Warwick, portfolio holder for environment, said: “We all take our right to clean air for granted and yet we all contribute to the pollution problem when we drive to school and work every day.

“Winchester city centre currently has a designated air quality management area and the council is taking steps to bring our air quality here into compliance with national standards by 2020.

Winchester Action on Climate Change and the council marked the day with a Clean Air Workshop at St Peter’s Church in Jewry Street.