Clean Air Day - Workplace and Community

Clean Air Day 2024 - Thursday 20th June 2024

Clean Air Day is the UK’s largest air pollution campaign.  

The day focuses attention on air pollution. By all acting together on the same day, Clean Air Day cuts through to new audiences, helps to improve public understanding and increases levels of air pollution busting behaviours.  

Collectively we can make a BIG difference! Small steps do = BIG changes! 

This page offers information, resources and ideas on how Workplaces and Community Groups can act to help reduce air pollution. 

The Clean Air Action Pledge  

This Clean Air Day we are asking Workplaces and Community Groups to make a Clean Air Action Pledge and complete a Personal Clean Air Plan.   

A pledge is a promise or intention to do something. In this case, an action that will help to improve air quality. 

Examples of the Clean Air Action Pledge could be:  

  • Leave the car at home  
  • Take public transport instead of the car 
  • Use a Park and Ride  
  • Turn engines off when stopped / no idling 
  • Use lower polluting work vehicles   
  • Help nature and plant trees  
  • Check food miles and try to buy local  
  • Make a Travel Plan, consider how employees travel to work and reduce car use 
  • Contact your local Councillor. Ask how they are working to improve air quality  
  • Tell someone else about your pledge and encouraging them to make one too     

A Clean Air Action Pledge card is provided in the resources section below, this can be completed on a computer or you print it.

Create a digital or physical display

Why not create a display of your pledges? This could be in a public space e.g. library, community centre, community café, workplace canteen. Leave a stack of pledges and a clear notice board with pens, magnets or pins and some scissors. 

You can also make a virtual display of completed pledges. Ask everyone to photograph their pledges and share on social media. Provide details of your own social media details and use the hashtag #CleanAirDay. Or take a photograph of the completed display and post it (feel free to tag us at My Journey too). 

TIP: Pledges can be useful way to identify future targets for your community group and workplace. Undertaking actions and improvements that are supported by the community increases your chances of success!

Personal Clean Air Plan

The Personal Clean Air Plan, provided in the resources section below, provides your community and colleagues more detail about the impact of air pollution and the actions they can take to mediate it. The plan guides individuals towards prioritizing actions that are achievable to them.

Clean Air Day resources

To help you promote Clean Air Day, please find below some resources to use, along with the Clean Air Action Pledge card and Personal Clean Air Plan

Resources for Southampton Workplaces and Community Groups

Resources for Hampshire Workplaces and Community Groups

SCC Clean Air Action Pledge card

SCC Personal Clean Air Plan

SCC suggested wording for newsletter and comms

SCC suggested wording for social media

SCC social media image - small steps 

SCC social media image - let's team up

SCC Clean Air Day posters 

HCC Clean Air Action Pledge card

HCC Personal Clean Air Plan

HCC suggested wording for newsletter and comms

HCC Suggested wording for social media 

HCC social media image - small steps

HCC social media image - let's team up 

HCC Clean Air Day posters 

Other useful Clean Air information

Global Action Plan’s Clean Air Hub is a useful hub for finding everything you need to know about air pollution in one place.

Mobility Ways have created a 30 minute online course: Commutology 101 Training – Mobilityways. The course explains exactly what Net Zero is and describes different sources of emissions. You’ll learn more about personal carbon footprints and why sustainable commuting is so crucial to consider for every organisation. Every topic is accompanied by an optional video from a sustainable travel expert. After a short quiz, you'll receive a certificate of achievement. 

We have separate pages dedicated to Clean Air Day for schools, please visit either the Hampshire Schools' page or the Southampton Schools' page.

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