Green Travel Boost

£100 Green Travel Boost for residents of the North Whiteley development

North Whiteley active travel

The £100 Green Travel Boost for North Whiteley residents is now LIVE.

This initiative forms part of a planning obligation for the North Whiteley Consortium, who are fully funding the initiative and have commissioned Hampshire County Council to deliver on their behalf.

Each household can claim up to £100 to help them travel more sustainably and reduce their car use.



You choose how to spend it

Examples include a rail card, towards a bus ticket bundle/season or flexible ticket, a bike, helmet, bike bags or child trailer. Something that helps you to walk, wheel, cycle, scoot or use public transport to help reduce your car use.

Waterproofs  Scooter  Bike lock  Child bike seat

Please read the Green Travel Boost leaflet and all documents below before you make your purchase.

Green Travel Boost Terms and Conditions

Map showing which households are included (Schedule 1)

Examples of items that are eligible for the Green Travel Boost (Schedule 2)


Frequently asked questions

Green Travel Boost frequently asked questions - answers to questions that you might have about the £100 Green Travel Boost, such as 'who can apply?', 'what can I buy?', 'how much can I claim?' and 'what proof of purchase or eligibility do I need to provide?'.

If you have a question that we haven’t covered, please contact us on and mention ‘Green Travel Boost’ in the subject line.


Submitting your claim

Once you have made your purchase or purchases and have all the evidence you need to support your claim (photos, photocopies or screen shots of receipts and proof of address) please submit by:-

· Using the online form North Whiteley Green Travel Boost claim form – this is the quickest option.


· Requesting a paper copy of the form and a FREEPOST envelope by emailing with ’Green Travel Boost’ in the subject line.