Alverstoke CE Junior School achieve 'Outstanding' STARS accreditation!

Pupils at Alverstoke Church of England Junior School school are delighted to have been awarded Platinum by the national body Modeshift STARS that recognises businesses and schools that go above and beyond bringing about a change in travel behaviour.

The school was able to demonstrate that, in their most recent survey, more than 90% of the pupils regularly walk, cycle or scoot to school. Being healthy and encouraging active travel reduces the number of cars on the road with the added benefit of reducing car fumes.

One pupil from each class is a Travel Ambassador and they meet once a week to promote active travel. They confronted thoughtless and unnecessary parking outside the school with “Park & Stride” where the driver is encouraged to “drop off” in a safe parking area away from the school and pupils walk the last part of their journey. The team designed a new poster for the front of the school and held a Walkathon to show the pupils that ½ mile is not far to walk!

With more of the pupils walking, cycling and scooting, they promoted road safety with a number of initiatives including quizzes, bookmarks and an assembly when the folly of not wearing a helmet was demonstrated using an egg!

The Travel Team met with Basil Bird, the Hampshire County Council “My Journey” mascot, who flew in to tell the pupils about their success and to give each of them a goody bag. See the Travel Team with Basil in the Portsmouth News.



Modeshift STARS is the centre of excellence for the delivery of effective travel plans in education, business and residential settings. The scheme recognises schools, businesses and other organisations that have shown excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable and active travel.