Parkwise Promise
What is the Parkwise Promise?
In an effort to create a safer environment outside our schools at the beginning and end of the day, Hampshire County Council run an initiative called ‘The Parkwise Promise’ to target dangerous and inconsiderate parking near to schools.
Congestion on the roads around our schools in the morning and afternoon poses a risk to our children and their families as they travel into school. This can be reduced by more children walking, wheeling and cycling either all or part of the way into school, and by parents who do need to come by car, to drive and park on the local roads safely and responsibly.
We recognise that it is often a rush during the morning drop off, however we ask parents to please take care. A lot of our schools have local Park and Strides, where you can park locally 5 – 10 minutes away from the school and walk the rest of the way. Alternatively, please try to park on a local road away from the school. This reduces congestion outside the school gates and makes it safer for everyone.
Below are some points to consider when parking, some are legal requirements:
- Do not park or stop on the ‘School Keep Clear’ zig zags
- Do not park opposite or within 10m (approx. 33 feet) of a junction
- Allow pedestrians better visibility by parking clear of any crossing points
- Unless signposted otherwise, do not park on pavements or verges
- Do not block vehicle access points including driveways
- Keep clear of bus stops or designated bus bays.
If you are experiencing traffic problems when taking your children to their school, you could suggest to the school that they take part in the Parkwise Promise. Ask them to contact the Travel Planning Team at Hampshire County Council.