Walk to school

Walking and wheeling to school

Walking or wheeling to school is a great form of exercise for you and your children.  If you can't manage the whole way, then you could try to Park and Stride.  See below for more information.


7 great reasons to walk to school

  1. In the right frame of mind - Children who walk to school arrive in a calmer frame of mind, ready to cope with the work of the day. It also test scores with no extra studying required!
  2. Fit and healthy - Both you and your child gets some exercise. Walking to school is a time to develop skills like balancing, hopping, and jumping without even knowing it. And you can get your 10,000 steps in.
  3. Quality time - This is a great time to spend together without distractions. Talk about your days and what you can see in the surrounding and watch the changing of seasons
  4. Hassle free drop off and pick ups - By walking you can avoid the problems of school gate parking, which can put all children in danger and cause unnecessary stress.
  5. Fresh clean air - 20% of all rush hour traffic is made up of people doing the school run. Fewer cars means better air quality, and better, cleaner air means you’ll lead a longer, healthier and more enjoyable life.
  6. Safety first - It's a chance to talk to your child and enforce some of the road safety messages. Set a good example to your child.
  7. Be social and make it a better place - By walking you make your neighbourhood safer, quieter, and friendlier. You will soon get to know your neighbours and fellow walkers.


How you can encourage your children to walk or wheel to secondary school

  • Plan your route together in advance, finding quieter roads and paths wherever possible
  • Practice the journey at the weekend when the roads are likely to be quieter
  • Accompany your child for a few days. As they gain confidence, gradually reduce how far you go
  • Make sure they know how to deal with any busier junctions or roads
  • Cross the road with a School Crossing Patrol Officer if possible
  • If you live too far away, why not try parking close to the school and walking the rest of the way
  • Walk with a friend. Get dropped off at a friend’s house close to school and walk together
  • Some secondary schools have walking zone 'Just the Journey' maps. Find out if your school is working with us and download the relevant map or ask your school office for a copy. You can also use our resources to make your own one.


Park and Stride

A Park and Stride is where you park your car 10 minutes from the school gates and walk the rest of the way.  This removes congestion and pollution away from the school gates.  It is also good for your child’s physical and mental health.

A Park and Stride option is great if you live too far away from the school to walk the whole way, or if you need to go on to work after the morning drop off.

You may also find that your school has an arrangement with a local church or pub car park for their parents to use at drop off and pick up times.