Events and Challenges

Your school can take part in various active travel challenges throughout the year run by My Journey and our charity partners Living StreetsSustrans and Energise Me. Visit our school's calendar and planner to ensure you know what's planned in for the term ahead.

Please see our Wellbeing page for ideas and information .


The Big Walk and Wheel

Sustrans’ annual Big Walk and Wheel (was The Big Pedal) is the UK’s largest inter-school walking, cycling and scooting challenge.

Each spring, schools compete to see who can get the most pupils, families and staff members to arrive on two wheels. The more that do, the greater the chance to win some fantastic prizes from bike and scooter storage to cycle stunt shows by the UK’s best riders. The competition is weighted according to the size of the school, so everyone has a fair chance to win! 


Walk to School Week

Walk to School Week is the Living Streets initiative which invites children and parents from around the UK to unite for one week of walking to school. To find out more about Walk to School Week and resources for schools, visit the Living Streets website

For Hampshire schools, don't forget to register with HCC's Road Safety Team for your free resources. If you wish to buy the Living Streets W2SW resources to enhance your week, they are available to purchase here and you are able to put your Sports Premium Funding towards this.

The Hampshire Countryside Service have lots of walks to try in Hampshire and there are interesting routes nearer Southampton on the Go Jauntly website and app.


Clean Air Day

Clean Air Day
is a great opportunity to raise awareness about air pollution and make the air that we breathe cleaner and healthier. 

Information about Clean Air Day


Clean Air Scooter Challenge

Entering the challenge gives your school an opportunity to encourage active travel on the school run as well as the chance to win prizes which, in previous years, have included Scooterpods, vouchers for a family days out in Hampshire, as well as adult and child scooters. More than 78,000 children have taken part in the Scooter Challenge in Hampshire since 2012. 


Visit our Scooter Challenge page for more information.


The My Journey team encourage schools to take part in International Walking Month each October. If you needed any inspiration to join in this challenge, just watch this fantastic short film put together by two previous competition winners from Southampton. 

For details please visit our Walktober pages.


World Book Day: March

Here are some ideas for you to help make World Book Day linked to active travel and air quality:


Daily activities and challenges

Daily physical activity plays a key role in developing happier, healthier and stronger pupils and staff. There are many ways to build some extra physical activities into the school day.

The Daily Mile - a free and simple children’s health initiative that involves nursery and primary school children running or jogging for 15 minutes every day. Please visit for a range of free resources to help implement The Daily Mile.

Active Bursts - Active Bursts are physical activities that give pupils a brief break from learning to increase their focus in class. Energise Me have lots of ideas and free resources of ways to engage pupils in physical movement during, or in between lessons. There are activities to try in the classroom and outside. Please visit

The Golden Mile - The Golden Mile is a safe, simple and measurable way to improve health and physical activity. Every pupil can get involved by walking, wheeling, jogging or running around their track within the safety of the school grounds. Visit for more information.


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