Resources for primary schools
Transition resources
To help schools support families and pupils with the transition to a new school there are a range for you to share with new parents and carers and pupils. Whether beginning in Year R, moving on to Year 3 at junior school or starting secondary school there is some useful parent information on our Hampshire Transition Time page.
'How Could You Travel to School?' booklet
Each year infant, junior and primary schools are sent copies of the 'How Could You Travel to School?' booklet to give to their new Year R or Year 3 parents and carers. The booklet has been produced to provide Hampshire parents and carers with a practical guide about safer, active and sustainable travel to school. It contains information and tools to help them plan their journey and find out the options available when their children start a new school.
Each year we invite children to enter the "How could you travel to school?" drawing competition. This year we’re asking children to draw what they may have seen or heard on their journey to school that brings them joy. Please tell parents and carers about the competition, details can be found in the back of the booklets.
Transition to Year R information document
The Transition to Year R information document offers a template for infant and primary schools to detail travel information to your school for new parents and carers. This Word document provides instructions for completing each section, which can then be printed for inclusion in a new starter pack or saved as a PDF for email distribution and website upload.
Secondary School 'Just the Journey' maps
Follow this link to see if your local secondary school has a Just the Journey map to assist your leaving Year 6 pupils as they adjust to their new, independent travel to secondary school. If not, there are resources to help you create your own map.
Spring into action!
My Journey Hampshire is promoting the Spring into Action Toolkit to inspire families to choose active travel. The toolkit will suggest a fun activity to try each day from Monday 27th February to Sunday 5th March 2023.
Visit the Spring into Action page for more information.
Original active travel films
See the link at the foot of this page or click here to see our original Histrionics and other short films which you can share with your pupils. Active-travel linked themes covered include mental health, a scavenger hunt for Primary and Secondary schools and transition time into Year R, Year 3 and Year 7. Don't forget to follow us on You Tube!
Scooter Training
Train your Year R to Year 4 pupils how to ride their scooters safely with our scooter training guidelines for teachers. It aims to enable teaching staff to teach pupils how to scoot safely during the school day e.g. during a school PE lesson and more importantly on their journey to school. For those interested in Balanceability, there is more information on the Balanceability website.
Create a 'Travel to our school' webpage
Our toolkit to help you create a 'travel to our school' webpage has been designed to provide you with content you could make available to pupils and parents to guide them on how they could travel to school.
Adding this information to your ‘parents page’, ‘contact page’ or ‘how to find us’ will mean they have alternative ways to travel to school instead of by car to help reduce congestion and pollution at the school gate and keep everyone fitter and healthier. There are some great examples of what other schools are doing too. Updated for 2021.
The Parkwise Promise
In an effort to create a safer environment outside schools at the beginning and end of the day you can participate in ‘The Parkwise Promise’, a Council-led initiative to target dangerous and inconsiderate parking near to schools. Please see our Parkwise page for more information.
Create your own Park & Stride map
A full guide on how to create your own Park & Stride map for your school and setting up a Park & Stride scheme. You can also use the Modeshift STARS #StaySafeGetActive 5-minute Walking Bubble maps - our training video explains how.
Air Quality Resources
Visit our Air Quality pages to see how we can help with Air Quality.
School Road Safety Pavement Signs
School Road Safety Pavement Signs (sometimes referred to as Kiddi Signs) are temporary signs intended to promote road safety near schools. Schools can apply to the Council for consent to erect Road Safety Pavement Signs in specific locations at specified times. The School Road Safety Pavement Signs School Guidance provides information about what to consider when identifying locations for your signs and the application process.
Travel Surveys
Gain an understanding of how your pupils are travelling to school with our travel survey for students, staff and parents and then talk to us about how we can help you improve their journey to school.
Beep Beep! Days
Beep Beep! Days are a great opportunity for early year's educators to introduce 2-7 year olds to road safety basics, with fun activities and resources provided by Brake charity. You can register for a free e-pack or purchase a bumper pack for just £13.80, per 50 children. The pack includes lots of fun and reusable road safety activities including colouring sheets, posters, laminated activities and much more. For more information visit Brake or download this flyer.
Attachment | Size |
Spring Into Action Toolkit HCC | 1.1 MB |
Park And Stride Toolkit | 2.7 MB |
Creating And Promoting A Park & Stride Map | 378.8 KB |